#49 A cracker of a hedgeline!

I had the pleasure of another visit to the excellent Kingcombe Meadows Reserve today, as I had a couple of meetings at the Centre.  It looks in a great condition, and the work of the wardens is evident all over the site.

Most notable is the amount of hedgelaying that has taken place in recent weeks. A traditional method of managing hedges to ensure they grow thick, and stock-proof.  The lengths are split, laid down and re-growth forms along the length – so in effect, what was one branch/trunk grows into many others.  It also opens up the light reaching the base of the hedge – encouraging early purple orchid, primrose and wood anemone to flourish.  Well worth a return visit in the Spring!

It might not look like a hedge right now, but it will be a cracker of one in no time.  It's also really quite neat and tidy!

It might not look like a hedge right now, but it will be a cracker of one in no time. It’s also really quite neat and tidy!

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