#41 Nestbox Cam is live..

There was a choice of images this evening.. It was either my finger after an argument with a viciously sharp lid from a soup tin, or a webcam view of the starling nestbox.

Bearing in mind that I’m on Warfarin, and the outcome of the argument was a clear win for the tin, it’s probably for the best I opted for the nestbox view..

There’s not a lot to see, to be honest. It’s just good to have the camera in place, ready for the arrival of the starling in a few weeks.  There has been a visitor already – the hay has been moved around quite a bit recently. There’s nothing roosting overnight yet though, so I’m guessing it wasn’t the resident pair, as they tend to stay and roost when they come back from their winter adventures.

Hope fully the next image will be of the pair settled in. Until then, it’s just an empty box.. with a camera!

It will get more exciting than this. Trust me!

It will get more exciting than this. Trust me!

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